Dog Incident Voluntary Statements

If you have a situation pertaining to a dog complaint and/or attack/bite. We request that a voluntary statement is completed in order to determine the circumstances surrounding this incident. The voluntary statement is not required, but in order for the Lake County Dog Warden and County Prosecutor to consider charges the form needs to be completed.
Please do not forget to initial the bottom of the form if you are willing to appear in court. Your willingness to appear is with the understanding that it is just regarding the declaration of the animals (ie. No Money). Submit the form with your initials if you agree with the terms.
The completed statement may be sent via email [email protected] , in person, or it may be sent USPS to the address above. Please include photos or video if applicable. Depending on the situation, you may also want to contact local law enforcement &/or The Lake County Health General District (dog bite to a human only or (440) 350-2843). If you have contacted law enforcement or the Health District, please let us know this as well, so that we can include it in our file.