About Our Departments
Bridge Design The Bridge Department is responsible for the inspection, maintenance, and improvements including designing, repairing, or contracting for construction drawings for new bridges or repair to existing bridges, drainage structures, and retaining walls. This infrastructure includes structures, culverts, pipes, retaining walls, and bridges on the county highway system including some structures within incorporated areas.
Construction The Construction Department is in charge of overseeing highway improvements including improvements and the grading of individual lot development. This department also supervises the building or reconstruction of bridges performed by contract.
Fleet Maintenance Fleet Maintenance is responsible for maintaining all trucks, cars, rollers, graders, snow plows, backhoes, and other equipment in working order.
Fiscal The Fiscal Department is responsible for purchasing, invoices, the accounting for the Engineers Office, contracts, preparing budget reports, and keeping track of material and equipment inventories.
Highway Design Highway Design is responsible for planning, designing, and preparing construction drawings for new highways and improvements to existing highways.
Human Resources The Human Resources Department is responsible for hiring of employees. This department is also responsible for safety coordination, payroll, and communicating new procedures to employees.
Planning and Programming Planning and Programming is responsible for highway and bridge improvement projects, subdivision development, funding, and scheduling of these projects.
Right-of-Way The Right-of-Way Department is responsible for the acquisition of land for new roads and bridges, and for the improvement of existing ones. It is the responsibility of this department to appraise the land and negotiate with the owners for a fair market price.
Road Maintenance Road Maintenance has charge of maintaining the county highways. This department makes repairs and small improvements, removes snow and ice, mows and cleans the right-of-way, and does all the work related to keeping county highways in good traveling condition year-round.
Surveying and GIS The Surveying and GIS department is responsible for surveying Lake County highways and land. This department also keeps track of all county monuments.
Tax Map Department The Tax Map Department maintains the tax maps for the Lake County Auditor. This department approves the legal descriptions and surveys for property transfers in Lake County.
Traffic Department The Traffic Department, in cooperation with the Ohio Department of Transportation, establishes traffic regulations and controls, such as speed limits, traffic lights, traffic signs, and warning lights on the county highways. This department also does the centerline marking and striping guardrail for the highways.