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Lake County
Local Emergency Planning Committee

LEPC Agency Profile

The Lake County Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) is established under the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act, or EPCRA. This was passed as Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA Title III) on October 17, 1986. This provides for a robust chemical emergency preparedness and response capability.

Our objectives include implementing the local emergency planning committee rules and requirements of SARA Title III, preparing and maintaining a comprehensive chemical emergency response plan for Lake County and providing information to the public upon request.

In Lake County, the LEPC is the agency responsible for implementing these objectives. Headquarters are located in the Lake County Emergency Operation Center; it is chaired by seasoned local emergency responders who work with an 18 member Board to oversee and direct policies aimed at meeting the mission of protecting and informing the local community.

Authority is vested into the LEPC to:

  • Receive and maintain a database of reports and chemical inventory information for those facilites that meet the threshold of extremely hazardous substances
  • Develop planning for emergency response to hazardous materials emergency releases, including standardized plume maps
  • Coordinate training and exercises for local emergency responders
  • Receive emergency notifications when hazardous substance releases do occur
  • Provide information to the public regarding facilities containing extremely hazardous substances or any emergency releases of hazardous material

Contact Information

EFO Thomas Talcott, LEPC Chairman

[email protected]
Phone: (440) 350-5499

Anthony Frazier – Information Coordinator
Emergency Management Planner
– Emergency Coordinator
Hazardous Materials Technical Adviser/Training Coordinator

Phone: (440) 350-5499
Fax: (440) 350-5397

Postal Address: P.O. Box 480, Mentor, Ohio 44061
Location: 8505 Garfield Road, Mentor, Ohio 44040

For general information email us at [email protected]

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LEPC Resources

NameJob TitlePhoneEmail
Frazier, AnthonyLEPC Information Coordinator440-350-5368 Ext. 15368[email protected]
Talcott, ThomasLEPC Chairman and EFO440-350-5499 Ext. 15499[email protected]
Location NameAddressCityZipcodeWebsitePhone
Local Emergency Planning Committee8505 Garfield RoadMentor, OH44040