Court Services Division
The Court Services Division is responsible for maintaining and providing the security for the Lake County Common Pleas Courts. The Sheriff’s Office provides security for the courthouse and its four Common Pleas judges, Probate Court judge, Domestic Relations Court judge, the Clerk of Courts, and the Juvenile Justice judge. Business Hours: The normal business hours for the court buildings are 08:00am to 4:30pm Monday thru Friday. Note: All visitors are required to walk through the metal detectors, and all bags and packages will be searched when entering the buildings.
Court Services Division Supervision

Prisoner-Inmate Transports
Please remember that when you come to the courthouse for any reason there are no weapons permitted inside the courthouse, nor are they permitted in any County building. Such weapons include, but are not limited to; guns, knives, scissors, box cutters, razor blades, or any other type of sharp object that could be considered a weapon.
The Lake County Court Services Division is responsible for the transport of prisoners-inmates to and from the Lake County Courts, in addition to various doctors-hospitals appointments. The Lake County Sheriff’s Office performs approximately 5,000 prisoner transports annually. The Lake County Sheriff also transports prisoners/inmates to and from the three (3) Municipal Courts in Lake County. The Lake County Sheriff’s Office also transports approximately 700 prisoners to and from various Ohio Penal Institutions annually.
Common Pleas Court Arraignments
The Painesville Municipal Court Arraignments are performed via video at the Lake County Adult Detention Facility, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 1:15 PM and on Thursday and Friday at 11:00 AM. Lake County Common Pleas Court Arraignments are scheduled weekly on Friday mornings at 08:15 AM in the lobby of The Lake County Sheriff’s Office, 104 E. Erie Street Painesville, Ohio.Painesville Municipal Court Arraignments.
Wanted Persons
The Lake County Sheriff is responsible for the apprehension of wanted subjects on warrants issued by the Lake County Common Pleas Courts, Domestic Relations Court, Juvenile Court, Painesville Municipal Court and the remaining two (2) Municipal Courts in Lake County. The Lake County Sheriff receives and processes approximately 1000 warrants annually. The Sheriff successfully apprehends approximately 400 Felons annually and 350 misdemeanor wanted subjects. In addition, the Sheriff also apprehends wanted subjects for other Ohio Counties and States.