Current Projects
Concord Twp.
Brightwood Lake
- Brightwood Lake Dam Removal and Kellogg Creek Stream Restoration
Grand Ridge Point Drive
- Grand Ridge Point Drive storm sewer system outfall and bank erosion repair
Painesville Township
Fairway Pines Regional Basin
- Construction of two stormwater basins and approximately 420 linear feet of stream restoration on McKinley Creek.
Wintergreen Hill Storm Sewer Crossovers
Painesville Township and The Lake County Stormwater Management Department are working cooperatively to improve drainage within existing drainage channels and storm sewer infrastructure in the Wintergreen Hill area. The goal of the project is to install new storm sewer and catch basins at existing crossover locations and install rock outlet protection at the outlets to help reduce downstream velocity of the water. These improvements will help improve drainage in and around the Wintergreen Hill area.